Watch Ariana Grande shut down sexist radio hosts

If you’ve been following Ariana Grande, it’s no secret that she’s very passionate when it comes to feminism, like when she spoke out about body shaming. When she stopped by the radio station Power 106 in LA earlier this week, she once again proved how she’s not afraid to stand up for herself and equality.

Although the singer has many upcoming projects, the two radio DJs, Justin Credible and Eric D-Lux, chose to ask about some other, rather odd, subjects. They asked Grande about what she could last without for the longest time; makeup or her phone. She then answered, clearly a bit frustrated, but still remaining calm, “is this what you think girls have trouble choosing between?”

The two radio hosts continue to ask her about it, and are for some reason surprised when she says that it’s not a big dilemma for her. Because apparently they’ve never met any girls who couldn’t survive without a phone or makeup for a long time.

They then continue to ask her about which of the new emojis she likes. When she answers that the unicorn one is one of her favourites they say that it’s because she’s a girl, and that men don’t use it. She playfully replies that “you need a little brushing up on equality.”

We love the fact that Ariana isn’t shy when it comes to speaking about equality and justice. It’s refreshing to see young women openly speak out about these issues, even in “small” situations like this one.

Watch the awkward interview below and tweet us your thoughts at @CelebMix
