The NY Times ran an op-ed telling Parkland victims to shut up & respect gun-owners

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This past weekend was different than other weekends following a national tragedy. Last week there was yet another school shooting, this time at Stoneman Douglas High School in Florida. 17 people died, adults and children. There were prayer vigils planned alongside funerals for the dead. There was the sense, on cable news and by pundits around the country, that this was just another sad chapter in America’s horrific gun violence epidemic, and that nothing would change. But then an odd thing happened: the children spoke. The kids of Stoneman Douglas started telling their stories, and telling the adults that the status quo is no longer acceptable. It was not about thoughts and prayers anymore – they were no longer enough. These children are prepared to tell their stories and to demand action. They are planning school walkouts and marches. They are organizing on social media. They are angry and they have every reason to be.

The anger of American children, and the fact that those same children are now leading the way to make changes is a great thing. The Fox News people – who are as bought-and-paid for by the NRA as they are the right arm of the Trump Administration – don’t even know what to do or say about these kids. Thankfully, the New York Times’ columnist David Brooks knows what to say to these kids: shut up, be polite, not now, and children need to treat gun-toting Trump voters like gentle, trigger-happy babies.

If you want to stop school shootings, it’s not enough just to vent and march. It’s necessary to let people from Red America lead the way, and to show respect to gun owners at all points

— NYT Opinion (@nytopinion) February 20, 2018

I think we should start collecting all of the New York Times’ f-ckups into a book called Bad Takes: The Stupidest Moments of the NYT. Here are some chapter titles:

The FBI wasn’t investigating Trump-Russia in 2016.
Children who just witnessed their schoolmates being gunned down should remember to always be polite to old, gun-toting Republicans.
Nazis are totally regular people who deserve to be normalized like a quaint trend.
Women over 30 shouldn’t wear yoga pants because those women are gross and fat.

The New York Times should have offered Emma Gonzalez an op-ed column. But it’s really too late.

"They say that tougher gun laws do not decrease gun violence. We call BS!" Florida high school shooting survivor Emma Gonzalez calls on President Trump and lawmakers to tighten gun restrictions in impassioned speech at an anti-gun rally in Fort Lauderdale

— CNN (@CNN) February 17, 2018

Emma Gonzalez’s instantly historic speech got the nation to stop and listen about gun reform. Now she’s taking her message to Washington D.C. in the hope of making Parkland America’s last mass shooting.

— NowThis (@nowthisnews) February 18, 2018

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