Is Mob Psycho 100 manga finished? Status explained

The Mob Psycho 100 manga and its anime adaptation are undoubtedly one of the most popular offerings of both mediums from the last decade. Originally written and illustrated by One and published as a web manga, the series is renowned worldwide for its themes, dry humor, and engaging action.

While the Mob Psycho 100 manga itself was already held in extremely high regard by fans, the subsequent anime adaptation from Studio Bones elevated the series to household fame. Since the anime’s premiere, the manga has seen a surge in popularity and sales, which was fueled by eager fans not wanting to wait for each anime season to release.

However, with the television anime adaptation having released its third and final season in Fall 2022, fans have been curious to know the status of the Mob Psycho 100 manga series. This curiosity is understandable as the conclusion of the anime series doesn’t necessarily mean that the manga series is officially over.

Mob Psycho 100 manga series' status may disappoint anime fans who are looking for more content

Unfortunately, in the case of the Mob Psycho 100 manga, it has already reached the finished status since December 2017. With the publication of its 101st and final chapter, the series ended a nearly six-year run of regular serialization in Shogakukan’s Ura Sunday website magazine.

The series was collected into 16 compilation volumes, 12 of which will have been released in English come September 6, 2023. While there is a spinoff series, titled Reigen, which focuses on Reigen Arataka from the original series, this manga was also concluded in February 2019 after an 11 month run.

As such, this means that all that the Mob Psycho 100 manga series has to offer to prospective readers is what’s currently available to read. With no news or rumors of additional material for the series being set to arrive next, it’s unlikely that this status for the series will change anytime soon.

That being said, the manga series having been concluded is also a blessing in disguise for hardcore fans of the series’ anime adaptation who want to switch to the manga. While there will still be four compilation volumes to be published in English as of September 2023, this gives fans something to look forward to in the next few years.

Alternatively, those who have started with the Mob Psycho 100 manga series and are disappointed that there’s no more coming material, they can switch to the television anime adaptation. Serving as a complete adaptation of the series, fans can view the series in an alternate light, with all the benefits a full-fledged anime production has to offer.

While neither of these options provides a path to additional manga material, there’s no way of forcing new manga material to exist. As a result, fans will simply have to make the most of what’s available until such a time arrives when additional spinoffs or continuations are made.

Be sure to keep up with all anime, manga, film, and live-action news as 2023 progresses.

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