Gingerbread Man Records is happening!

Ed Sheeran is just amazing, isn’t he? Just to think, he went from sleeping at a subway station to starting his own record label. You might have heard of Gingerbread Man Records, but it’s getting more and more official by the second, with him already having an artist signed AND a YouTube channel for the label.

The first (and only, for now) video on the channel is Ed himself introducing us to the lovely world of his record label and asking us to like, subscribe, comment something nice or nasty. But let’s be real here, who could be nasty to Ed Sheeran? You know the saying, if you don’t have anything nice to say,…


So, who is this first person to sign with Gingerbread Man Label? Ed told the world a little bit about him in a previous interview: “My first signing is Jamie Lawson – he’s an incredible talent, who I’ve known for a couple of years, and we’ve actually been on tour this year across Australia and the UK/Europe.”

Gingerbread Man Records is happening! 1

I am excited, you are excited, Ed is excited, Jamie is excited,… there’s just a whole bunch of excitement going around.

Ed has our full support here from CelebMix and we wish him nothing but the best of luck with discovering new artists! Who knows, maybe you’ll be listening to a smash hit from Jamie Lawson some time in the future.
