Former Liberal staffer texts: Brittany hooked up with Bruce

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Former Lib staffer text: ‘Brittany hooked up with Bruce’

A former Liberal staffer has revealed she texted a friend the night after seeing Brittany Higgins and Bruce Lehrmann kiss in a nightclub that “Brittany and Bruce hooked up” but never knew about the rape allegation until years later.

Lauren Gain, a former ministerial staffer who worked at the Defence Department at the time, attended The Dock and a nightclub called 88 mph with Ms Higgins and Mr Lehrmann.

The morning after the alleged rape, on Saturday 23 March 2019, she told the Federal Court that she exchanged Telegram messages with a colleague Nikita Irvine where she asserted they “hooked up.”

“How was 88?,” Ms Irvine asked.

Ms Gain replied it was “really fun.”

“Brittany hooked up with Bruce,‘’ Ms Gain said.

Mr Lehrmann denies Ms Higgins’ allegations, and says the pair did not have sex.

He also denies kissing Ms Higgins at the nightclub or any form of sexual activity.

In an affidavit published by the Federal Court, Ms Gain said she was and remained good friends with Ms Irvine.

She said that on or about 24 March 2019, she met with Ms Irvine.

“I do not remember exactly what we said, but I recall we discussed in general terms what had happened on the Friday night prior and that Mr Lehrmann and Ms Higgins had kissed,‘’ she said.

Ms Gain said she did not hear of rape allegation until 2021, when Ms Higgins texted her out of the blue.

“On or about 10 February 2021, I exchanged the following Telegram messages with Ms Higgins:

“Hey Lauren, Don’t feel like you have to respond to this at all,‘’ Ms Higgins wrote.

“This is mostly just a cathartic thing for me to get it off my chest. I was so ashamed for so long and I’ve finally moved beyond it.

“I don’t know if you’d even remember but that night we all went out to the dock and then 88mph ahead of the 2019 election Bruce ended up taking me back to Parliament House.

“I passed out in the office and when I woke up he was sexually assaulting me. He left at some point during the night and the next day the ministerial security team found me.”

“I am okay now but it really messed with me for the longest time. I’ve ended up resigning from PH and have since moved back to QLD.”

“Sorry for the random message. It was just something I had to do to finally close the book and process this whole ordeal.”

Ms Gain replied telling Ms Higgins you are “a strong woman and never ever should be subjected to the kind of disgusting violation of your body you’ve described.

“I’m sorry you went through this and I hope you’re getting the ongoing support you need in Queensland.

“Taking control of your life is the best thing you can do. Please reach out if there’s ever anything I can do, in particular if you would like support reporting the incident.

Thank-you, Lauren.“

Ms Higgins replied, “Honestly, I can’t even begin to explain how much this response means to me.”

“Yes, it’s lovely to be home and healing. Absolutely, it feels really nice to be back in a safe space.”

Ms Gain said that until she received the Telegram message from Ms Higgins on or about 10 February 2021, she knew nothing about the allegation that Mr Lehrmann had sexually assaulted Ms Higgins.

When broke the story on 15 February 2021, she wrote to Ms Higgins again.

“Thinking of you today. I really want you to feel supported and strong. You’re braver than I was at your age. Xx.”

Ms Gain did not receive a response and said she did not attempt to communicate, or communicated with, Ms Higgins since 15 February 2021.

In her affidavit, Ms Gain also said she no longer trusted the legal process after audio of her police interview was leaked to Channel 7’s Spotlight program without her consent.

“On 24 March 2021, 1 gave an interview to ACT Police in relation to their investigation into sexual assault allegations made against Mr Lehrmann,‘’ she said.

“On or about 4 June 2023, I became aware that an extract of the audio recording of that police interview was used in the 7News Spotlight program entitled Trial and Error.

“I became aware that I was named in the program and that the extract of the recording was played, from friends who messaged and called to check on my wellbeing.

“I was shocked that the recording was played, particularly as I understand it was not played in open court during the course of· the criminal trial of Mr Lehrmann.

“I was not contacted by Channel 7 prior to the broadcast of the extract and therefore did not have an opportunity to provide consent to rt being used in the Program, nor was I given any advance notice that it would be used.

“I felt a sense of betrayal that I was not afforded an opportunity to decide whether I would participate in the Program, and disappointed that parts of my interview with police were characterised as a lie.

“It eroded the confidence I had that the interview I willingly gave to the ACT Police would be used for the purpose of aiding their investigation, and not for the purpose of supporting a narrative prosecuted through the media.

“I no longer feel confident about participating in this legal process.”

Explosive ‘passionate’ kiss claim

A woman who attended a nightclub with Brittany Higgins and Mr Lehrmann on the night of the alleged rape has told the Federal Court she saw them passionately kiss.

Mr Lehrmann has denied kissing Ms Higgins on the night and said no sexual contact occurred. He has consistently denied raping Ms Higgins.

Lauren Gain, who was working at the time for The Australian Defence Force, has given evidence today about her night at The Dock and then the nightclub 88MPH.

Ms Gain was called to give evidence at the criminal trial but was never asked about the alleged kiss.

She said Ms Higgins was intoxicated, that she saw Mr Lehrmann “touching her thighs” and witnessed them kissing.

“I remember Brittany falling over and having to be helped back up,” she said.

“I remember Brittany and Bruce sitting quite close together.

“I remember them being quite touchy with one another.

“I remember them kissing and I remember her taking selfies of the two of them.”

“Did you make any observation about Ms Higgins’ state of intoxication,” Channel 10’s barrister Matt Collins KC said.

“She was intoxicated. I remember that,” she said.

“I remember his hands on her thighs and her hands on his thighs.

“I observed them kissing.”

Justice Lee then asked, “I take it that it was a passionate kiss.”

“Yes,’’ she replied.

Ms Gain gave evidence on Wednesday that she sent a text the next day saying that Ms Higgins and Mr Lehrmann “hooked up”.

“I did, yes,” she said.

Mr Lehrmann’s barrister Steve Whybrow asked Ms Gain if she left the nightclub and went home with Austin Wenke, a staffer in Peter Dutton’s office.

“I don’t remember. I don’t have any memory of leaving,” she said.

Mr Whybrow said he wanted to suggest that “your recollection of Ms Higgins and Mr Lehrmann kissing is not accurate, did not happen, there was no pash”.

“I reject that. That is a memory that I have,” Ms Gain responded.

‘I thought that he was an idiot’

Ms Gain gave evidence today that she attended The Dock for regular drinks with public servants who worked for the Vice Chief of the Defence Force and the Chief of the Defence Force.

There, she met Mr Lehrmann for the first time.

“I remember him telling me that he was waiting on a clearance to come through so that he could go and work at ASIS,’’ she said.

“And I remember my response being surprised. Because typically if you’re an applicant wishing to work at one of those agencies, it’s very clear that you’re not to tell people that you’re actually applying to work at those agencies. So I remember thinking that that must not be true.

“And I remember saying to my friend ... that I thought that he was an idiot for saying that. I remember my response was I was quite shocked.”

Witness says he did not lend Lehrmann credit card

A Liberal staffer who attended The Dock and the nightclub with Mr Lehrmann and Ms Higgins told the Federal Court he did not recall seeing them kiss on the night in question.

Austin Wenke, a media adviser to Peter Dutton, said he attended the drinks but did not recall seeing them kiss.

“You said you didn’t recall anything specific?,’’ barrister Steve Whybrow SC asked.

“That’s correct,’’ he said.

“Would it be fair to say if you’d seen them kissing in front of you that that would have likely been something you’d have remembered?,’’ Mr Whybrow asked.

“Look, possibly but as I said, I don’t recall specific interactions,’’ Mr Wenke said.

He also did not see Ms Higgins fall over or injure herself in the night club.

Justice Lee then asked Mr Wenke if he recalled giving his credit card to Mr Lehrmann that night to buy drinks.

“Do you have any recollection of that evening at the dock lending your credit card to Mr Lehrmann?,’’ Justice Lee asked.

“No, I don’t,’’ Mr Wenke replied.

Justice Lee then asked if it would be “consistent with your practice to give your credit card or to allow someone else to use your credit card to buy drinks.”

“No, it wouldn’t be for me, no,’’ Mr Wenke replied.

The Federal Court has previously been shown CCTV of Mr Lehrmannn buying drinks with Ms Higgins that did not appear to be shown on his credit card statement.

Mr Lehrmann denied having a second card that he did not disclose to police.

Court hears of pub fight

Earlier, Dr Collins denied claims that Ms Gain made up the kiss claims in collusion with Ms Higgins.

“In the course of his evidence, Mr Lehrmann made a scandalous allegation that Ms Gain had colluded with Ms Higgins to make up false evidence against him,” Dr Collins said.

“This from a law student. I invited him to withdraw the allegation, but he declined to do so. The allegation is without foundation.”

Dr Collins said Ms Gain texted a person in Defence Industry Minister Linda Reynolds’ office on March 23 stating, “Brittany hooked up with Bruce.”

“So there is a contemporaneous record supporting Ms Gain’s recollection,” Dr Collins said.

“She did not make it up.”

‘F**k you’

Earlier, the trial heard that another former Liberal staffer Nicole Hamer was so furious over with Mr Lehrmann about him pressuring Ms Higgins to have a drink that she said “f**k you” to him at the pub before she ran to the bathroom crying and tried to quit her job.

Former Liberal staffer Jesse Wotton recounted the incident in the Federal Court on Wednesday.

Mr Wotton said Mr Lehrmann had invited Ms Higgins to the pub in the weeks before the alleged rape.

After Ms Higgins and Ms Hamer chatted, Mr Wotton said Ms Hamer said “Brittany’s great, she can do the Canberra media and I can do the Perth media.”

Ms Hamer said she did not recall such a conversation and she was not authorised to hire Ms Higgins.

But after Mr Lehrmann urged Ms Higgins to stay for a drink Ms Hamer became upset with how he had treated Ms Higgins.

“I recall Ms Hamer turned to Mr Lehrmann and said ‘you shut the f**k up’, she turned to me and repeated it, and voiced her displeasure that Ms Higgins felt she should stay,’’ Mr Wotton said.

“It went on for a short while, then Ms Hamer cried and went off to the bathroom and I said to Mr Lehrmann, ‘I think it’s time to go back to the hotel’.”

Mr Wotton and Ms Hamer said he did not recall Senator Reynolds being hostile towards Ms Higgins, who has previously given evidence that her boss tried to avoid her after the rape allegation.

Earlier, Mr Whybrow asked Ms Hamer if she was intoxicated at the time. Ms Hamer said she had a few drinks but had switched to water and recalled the incident clearly.

“You were so upset about this conversation and argued by suggesting you had with Mr Wooton that you typed out a resignation that night?,” Mr Whybrow said.

“Yes,” Ms Hamer replied.

Ms Hamer said she felt “ganged up” on by Mr Lehrmann and sent the resignation email from her phone on her way home.

“I had stopped and I was only not drinking water for the last few hours or so before I left the Kingston hotel,’’ Ms Hamer said.

Ms Gain gave evidence today that she attended The Dock for regular drinks with public servants who worked for the Vice Chief of the Defence Force and the Chief of the Defence Force.

There, she met Mr Lehrmann for the first time.

“I remember him telling me that he was waiting on a clearance to come through so that he could go and work at ASIS,” she said.

“And I remember my response being surprised. Because typically if you’re an applicant wishing to work at one of those agencies, it’s very clear that you’re not to tell people that you’re actually applying to work at those agencies. So I remember thinking that that must not be true.

“And I remember saying to my friend … that I thought that he was an idiot for saying that. I remember my response was I was quite shocked.”

Lehrmann thought Higgins was ‘good looking’

A former Liberal staffer has given evidence that Mr Lehrmann told her Ms Higgins was “good looking” and urged her to come to the pub on the first night they met before playfully taking her phone to stop her leaving.

Nicky Hamer, a former press secretary and Sky News journalist, gave evidence in the Federal Court on Wednesday about a night at the pub after Linda Reynolds’ swearing-in portfolio for Defence Industry.

Ms Hamer told the Federal Court she later discussed the incident with Ms Reynolds and said she no longer wanted to work in the office.

The event was around a fortnight before Ms Higgins spent the night drinking with Mr Lehrmann on March 23 and then alleged he raped her.

Ms Hamer said Mr Lehrmann told her he thought Ms Higgins was “good-looking”.

“He made a comment saying, ‘Brittany is good looking, is she free?’,” Ms Hamer said.

“‘Can you reach out to her on Instagram and see if she’s free to come to the pub?’”

Ms Hamer told the court that when Ms Higgins tried to leave the pub on March 2, Mr Lehrmann took her phone.

“Bruce took her phone away as a bit of play I guess to kind of stop her from being able to book an Uber,” Ms Hamer said.

“He said, ‘Just stay for one more drink’.

“I said something along the lines of, she could only stay for a little while, she has to go, you know, give it (the phone) back.

“So basically, Bruce said that I’d overreacted in the way I kind of spoke up and tried to defend Brittany. And so then I got quite defensive to that.

“(He said) Something along the lines of me always being a feminist and feeling like I have to defend women.”

Ms Higgins has previously given evidence that Mr Lehrmann “took my phone in jest”.

“So that I couldn’t leave for a while. I could no longer drive because I’d had too much to drink so I didn’t have the ability to drive to go to my next appointment to see my friend. So I couldn’t order an Uber,” Ms Higgins said.

“I think that’s why Mr Lehrmann took my phone. He perceived it to be a joke. I thought it was a trick.”

Channel 7’s staggering Lehrmann deal exposed

Overnight, court documents revealed Mr Lehrmann’s “confidential” Channel 7 deal initially included an agreement to pay $4000 a fortnight in rent — for a year — in exchange for his exclusive interview with Liam Bartlett and Spotlight.

However, the deal was “confidential” and dependent on him not providing interviews or documents to other media outlets.

Under the agreement, Mr Lehrmann also agreed to provide “all information, documents, video and photographs” reasonably requested by Channel 7.

However, Mr Lehrmann told the Federal Court he did not do this and only provided an interview.

Mr Lehrmann and his golden retriever named Sunny have been living in properties paid for by Channel 7 since mid-year.

Over the period of the contract, the deal would be worth $100,000 in exchange for his two sit-down interviews.

The deal sparked a testy reaction from Brittany Higgins on Tuesday after she snapped at a Channel 7 reporter outside court in which she asked “aren’t you paying his rent?”

The signed agreement was executed in April, 2021, prior to Channel 7 insisting “no one was paid” for the interview but that some accommodation was provided during filming.

A rental invoice, dated 7 June, 2023, from L’Abode Accommodation Specialist, outlines an agreement between 13 April, 2023 and 12 April, 2024. has previously revealed Mr Lehrmann has stayed at two properties during that time paid for by Channel 7, first at Maroubra, in Sydney’s east, and now on Sydney’s northern beaches.

“In consideration of the interviewee complying in full with the terms and warranties of this agreement and for the contribution of his time, Seven will provide the interviewee 12 months accommodation at a residence to be agreed by Seven and the interviewee,” the contract states.

“The residence may be used by Seven to arrange and film any parts of the Seven exclusive.”

Mr Lehrmann was installed in a beachside apartment complex with an in-ground pool and spa. has confirmed the first apartment paid for by Channel 7 was an apartment in Maroubra with “amazing water and coastal views”.

He has now been moved by Seven to a new apartment in Sydney’s northern beaches that again has water views.

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A recent real estate listing for the Maroubra apartment complex boasted of a location “where life revolves around you”.

The property, located at Marine Parade, was billed as “an awesome place to live, with Maroubra Surf Beach and Mahon Rock Pool at your doorstep, restaurants, cafes, parks all close by”.

In his evidence last week, Mr Lehrmann revealed the apartment news, confirming Channel 7 had been paying for his rental accommodation after the exclusive interview aired in May 2023.
