Did Kanye actually change his name to Yitler?

As disgraced rapper Kanye West continues his anti-Semitic rhetoric across social media platforms, a website has claimed that the singer will be legally changing his name to Yitler. This comes after the fashion designer appeared on the InfoWars show and claimed to like the Nazi leader, Adolf Hitler. Although West has expressed admiration towards the Nazis, he is not changing his name to Yitler in reality.

Kanye West recently made an appearance on InfoWars, hosted by right-wing conspiracy theorist Alex Jones. The rapper unreservedly defended Hitler in one of the show’s segments. Speaking about the despised leader, West said on the show:

“Every human being has something of value that they bring to the table, especially Hitler.”

West also said “Nazis are kinda cool” on the show.

Following the interview, The Beaverton website published an article explaining West’s name change. The website alleged that West said:

“I live my life and I live my truth. And it’s important to me to make sure my identity honors the two people I admire the most: myself and Adolf Hitler.”

The website also claimed that the 45-year-old said:

“I openly associate myself with Adolf Hitler and think he was great. I am unashamed by this statement and wish others to respect me for it. I am a sane person.”

Is Kanye West changing his name to Yitler in reality?

The Yeezy-designer is not changing his name to Yitler. The news was published on a website that is known for its satirical content.

As per the publication’s disclaimer, all articles that are published under the organization are based on real events but are presented in a fictitious manner. Often times, real celebrities and the issues at hand are authentic in nature. However, specific details regarding the same are invented.

The website must have decided to publish an article on the controversial rapper considering he has been repeatedly making jarring anti-Jew remarks.

It is also safe to say that West is not changing his name to Yitler in reality as other established entertainment websites have not written about the same. It is important to verify such announcements by referring to other reputed news publications.

Netizens react to satirical news of Kanye West changing his name to Yitler

It seems like several internet users were aware that The Beaverton published parody content. Many netizens took to Twitter to provide suggestions to Kanye West in regards to his name change. A few popular recommendations included “Yedolf” and “Yoebbels” among others. A few hilarious tweets read:

Kanye West calls Elon Musk “half-Chinese” following Twitter suspension

After posting an image of the Nazi Swastika symbol inside the Star of David on Twitter, West was suspended from the Elon Musk-owned social media platform. Clapping back at the action, the Praise God rapper took to Instagram to speculate whether Musk was partly Chinese. West wrote online:

“Have you ever seen his pics as a child? Take a Chinese genius and mate them with South African super model and we have Elon.”

In the post’s caption, Kanye West wrote that he was inciting an “investigation” on the Tesla-owner’s childhood photos.

In response to West’s Instagram remark, Musk wrote on Twitter- “I take that as a compliment.”

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